
Higgins COVID-Safe measures

Gerard Higgins |   Sep 1, 2021 11:46:01 AM

Higgins Coatings Coronavirus COVID-19 Update (Medium)

At Higgins, we recognise the ongoing and increased uncertainty Coronavirus (COVID-19) is causing around the country and the world. 

We are committed to complying with all applicable Government public health orders and directions to control and reduce the spread of COVID-19. Higgins expects all workers to do the same and to co-operate with all measures taken by Higgins to try to ensure a safe and healthy workplace.

At this stage, Higgins does not mandate all workers get vaccinated against COVID-19. However, it is highly encouraged; resulting in a significant percentage of the workforce having at least the first dose of the vaccine. This allows Higgins to service and support any and all clients who do mandate any person working on their sites to be vaccinated. A number of Higgins’ clients will not allow unvaccinated workers on site.

Higgins remains operational, with projects continuing to run during this time. Our highest priority is the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees, contractors and customers. To ensure we are operating in a COVID-Safe way, we conduct the following actions: 

  • Closely monitoring official Government sources for current information and advice
  • Reviewing and promoting Higgins policies and measures for infection control
  • Ensuring workers are aware of the isolation/quarantine periods in accordance with advice from the Australia Government Department of Health
  • Information on when staff should not attend work
  • Providing clear advice to workers about actions they should take if they become unwell or think they may have the symptoms of coronavirus, in accordance with advice from the Australian Government Department of Health and state or territory health department
  • Eliminating or minimising domestic work travel, in line with the travel advice on the Australian Government’s Smartraveller website
  • Providing regular updates to workers about the situation and any changes to organisational policies or procedures
  • Contingency planning to manage staff absences
  • Providing workers with information and links to relevant services should they require support
  • Maintaining good hygiene and cleanliness of the workplace
  • Conforming with physical distancing guidelines where applicable and practical.
  • Use protective personal equipment (PPE) appropriately
  • Working with customers and suppliers to determine the appropriate risk protocols on a project-by-project basis
  • Regularly monitoring the advice of the Australian Department of Health and state or territory health department, and taking appropriate action as required
  • Higgins COVID-Safe Plan is now embedded in the way we do business - this is routinely reviewed and updated where required

If you have any questions or would like to review a copy of our COVID-Safe plan please contact your local Higgins representative.