As your school's business manager, you understand that regular painting and maintenance of school buildings is a fundamental step in providing a welcoming and safe environment for students and staff. A well-maintained school building is pleasing to the eye and goes a long way in promoting a spirit of pride, unity, and positive thinking among students and staff alike. With this in mind, you're ready to hire a long-term painting maintenance partner who is experienced in delivering top quality service and who understands the unique demands of a school.
At Higgins Coatings, we appreciate the special requirements of education facilities thanks to our decades of experience working with schools across Australia. We tailor our painting maintenance solutions to your school's specific needs, which will help you manage your budgets, guarantee that there is minimal disruption for staff and students and keep your campus buildings looking great.
Read on to find out exactly why Higgins is the best fit for your school’s painting and maintenance needs:
1. Years of extensive experience working with schools
When deciding on a painting and maintenance contractor for your education facility, experience is a crucial factor to consider. It becomes increasingly important if the project is complex (multiple buildings or campuses) or requires specialised skills (heritage-listed buildings).
At Higgins, we've worked with many Australian schools so we understand the complex and distinctive requirements an educational facility has. Check out some more examples of our work:
- Ongoing painting maintenance to both internal and external areas of Beaconhills College across two campuses.
- Higgins recently began the first phase of a seven-year maintenance plan at Riverside Christian College focusing on two key problem areas.
- In 2014, Higgins embarked on a seven-year plan with Toowoomba Grammar, which is situated on 52 acres of land and includes 40 buildings and structures.
2. Understanding of unique school environments
When it comes to painting school properties, minimising disruption to students, staff and faculty is crucial. Your contractor should, therefore, be flexible as well as reliable. At Higgins, we design detailed timetables to complete work outside of school hours and within desired timeframes, like on school holidays.
If work is to be completed outside of these student-free times, Higgins is very aware of our obligation to work in such a way that students and staff are always safe. With plenty of experience working on school grounds, our tradesmen are always courteous and professional.
3. Customised painting and maintenance agreements that work with your school’s unique budgeting needs
By having Higgins on board to facilitate building and painting maintenance your costs can be spread throughout the contract. This allows for measurable maintenance from both a spending and project management perspective. It also allows you to budget for your school with more precision.
The benefits of a painting and maintenance contract:
- Knowing that the painted surfaces at your school will be maintained regularly, reducing the risk of paint breakdown, concrete remedial works and corrosion of steel surfaces
- Better budget planning because you know the annual costs for the next 5-7 years, so there shouldn’t be any troublesome surprises along the way
- Easier to plan around complex school timetables and holidays well in advance
4. Experience in multi-campus painting and appreciation of unique colour requirements
Every school is distinctive, so here at Higgins, we develop tailored solutions to perfectly fit your school's colour requirements. From heritage building obligations to projects across numerous campus locations, our skills and experience have got your school covered.
We also understand colour choice and how it impacts branding as well as the psychology and wellness of your staff and students. It's important to consider the school’s history, style and branding. Aside from overarching colour choices, Higgins will also ensure the right paint is used in the right areas, eg. for high-traffic areas, prone to general wear and tear, we suggest a dark neutral colour that will hide the effects of use. Higgins' maintenance plans are designed to provide long-term savings by maximising the life of existing surfaces at your school.
5. A strong focus on Safety, Quality and the Environment
Our strong commitment to Safety, Quality and the Environment is clear, we've implemented an Integrated Management System and obtained a tri-certification accreditation in ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001. This enhances the overall quality that is provided to our customers, further protects our environment and ensures a stellar safety track record that ensures your students and staff are protected.
Taking the next step - requesting a quote
Getting a quote sounds like the easy part of the process, doesn't it? You work out what you need, when you need it done by and then you hop online or pick up the phone to get a quote from a contractor.
Like most things in life, it's not that simple. Without proper preparation before requesting your quote, you could spend days going back and forth with different companies trying to capture an accurate quote.
This won't happen to you if you are armed with our checklist though. It includes everything you need to cover when you want a painting quote for your school facility. Download it today!
Higgins Coatings provides Australia's schools with building maintenance plans, commercial painting, and refurbishment services in select areas. We understand that school facilities need to make a good impression on parents, students, and alumni at all times. Our preventative maintenance plans are designed to keep your school or educational facility looking its best while working within your timing, budget, and safety requirements. Higgins has an ISO tri-certification accreditation in safety, quality and the environment. Contact us today to learn more about our school painting maintenance solutions.