
OzHarvest relaunches Waterloo Market

Alex Shulman |   Jun 13, 2024 3:46:58 PM

Our Sydney team recently assisted Australia’s leading food rescue organisation, OzHarvest, update its Waterloo Market. The free market provides rescued fresh produce to people in need based on a 'take what you need, give if you can' philosophy.

Higgins has proudly supported several of OzHarvest’s facility upgrades across the country, and when approached to provide complementary painting services at Waterloo Market, our Sydney team was more than happy to help. Our local Dulux representative, Garry Pollodore facilitated the donation of all paint and materials used by our painters for the project.

Higgings sales team 3-1

Sydney team on-site providing repaint at OzHarvest's Waterloo Market

Our team of professional painters delivered a complete internal repaint of the ceiling, walls, columns, and doors in both the front and back of the house, while externally we cleaned and repainted walls and columns.

Under the guidance of Project Manager Tony Mircevski and Foreman Bart Taborek, our dedicated sales team members Dylan Murdoch, Joel Foxall, Emma Bennett, Billy Elmer, and Juan Gonzalez eagerly lent a helping hand with the painting project on a Friday afternoon.

When the weekend arrived, Dylan Murdoch volunteered additional time and effort to care for the facility's surfaces. OzHarvest CEO & Founder Ronni Kahn AO caught Dylan in the act, took a picture, and shared the story with her Instagram followers. Ronni AO noted that she was amazed that Dylan had given up his own time to come and perform this work anonymously.

Ronnie Khan with Dylan Murdoch

Ronni Kahn AO with Dylan Murdoch at their Waterloo facility

We spoke with Dylan about why he felt it was important to support OzHarvest. "Now, more than ever, we can all appreciate the challenges many Australians are facing as they try to manage the increasing cost of living."

"Sadly, it's becoming common to hear stories of parents skipping meals so that their children can eat. OzHarvest's Market is available to anyone, without the need for means testing. This means that anyone can access it, no questions asked, and receive nourishment with dignity. This supports members of our community who are experiencing hardship."

"I’m proud to work for an organisation which gives back to local communities by supporting organisations like OzHarvest to make a difference." 

We are enormously proud of Dylan’s altruistic actions and are thrilled to help brighten this charitable facility that provides fresh, healthy produce to those otherwise unable to access it. 

OzHarvest Market Waterloo reopens
OzHarvest Market Waterloo reopens
OzHarvest Market Waterloo reopens
OzHarvest Market Waterloo reopens

Do you have painting and maintenance needs in Sydney? Chat with our painting professionals today about how they can help.