
Perth team delivers the 'bees knees' of repaints at Mill Point tower

Alex Shulman |   Jul 24, 2023 10:15:00 AM

Our recent strata repaint of the stately apartment complex at 63 Mill Point Road, South Perth, created a few more logistical issues than usual for our Perth branch.

The high-end, 7-storey apartment block was one of the first apartment projects to be built on the Mill Point promontory. Its western facade faces the Swan River, opposite Perth’s central business district.

With its coastal location, less than 200m from the water's edge, the risk of corrosion is high, so the coating systems used had to be resilient and hard wearing.

In addition, high winds in the area meant that works had to be scheduled to occur when safest. Access to the balconies was through the apartments, so painting works were carefully planned ahead of time so the chairman of the council of owners and occupants could be advised.

Higgins’ focus on using premium products to deliver a premium finish saw us appointed to the project in a competitive tender process.

The project entailed updating the exterior of the apartment complex including repainting 34 balconies, two penthouses and the underground car park.

With a tight budget, the complex project was undertaken by a 2-3 person team of painters, as well as three additional sub-contracted painters and two abseilers over the course of 12 weeks.

Paint specifications selected for the project included Dulux Acratex Acrashield, which offers enhanced crack bridging and weather-proofing properties in a paint-like finish, along with two-pack epoxy to protect metal surfaces.

An elevated work platform was used to access higher floors, with contract abseilers brought in where necessary.

The logistical requirements of managing access to the building’s 34 balconies, including entering apartments to access individual balconies, moving and returning furniture to its original location, painting and cleaning up – all with minimal disturbance to residents – were challenging.

Added to that, work in the car park had to be kept to a minimum on windy days to ensure clients’ cars were kept free of paint flakes. With an owners’ fleet that included Porsches, BMW, Mercedes and Teslas, extreme care was taken, with paint times and locations organised to keep disruption to a minimum.

A few more residents than usual were disturbed when a swarm of bees was found nesting in one elevation of a building in 4 extraction fans connected with an apartment range hood.

Luckily, pest control could be brought up in the EWP to take care of the insects and ensure a good outcome for our happy clients.

Need a repaint at your facility? Contact Higgins Perth, the preferred commercial painting contractor of Western Australia.