
Higgins in the USA

Alex Shulman |   Feb 28, 2022 11:20:00 AM

07.03.2022 - Harrison Contracting

Cameron and Nick headed to Harrison Contracting in Atlanta to tour their offices and participate in a workshop. After overviewing our businesses, comparing training and development programs, sharing reporting and management systems and KPI's, our group headed out to site to view several live projects.

Some key learnings from the day included:

  • Significant volumes of their work is in national work
  • They measure their sites from Google Maps/plans unless a specialist is required on-site
  • Harrison Contracting utilises a Quality Assurance Manager to inspect quality control across sites
  • A national worksboard is available which highlights live jobs at all times

Nick Higgins shared his thoughts from the day.

"Their use of national accounts differed from ours with some great takeaways for Higgins to consider moving forward. Harrison's approach to safety differed from ours with multiple FTE safety managers operating at all times.

Harrison Contracting is a very impressive group and both Cam and I were very thankful for the time they gave to the Higgins team." 

Harrison Contracting 07.03 c-1

Nick Higgins, Cameron Steindl and the Harrison Contracting team at their Atlanta office

07.03.2022 - Chicago Apprenticeship Program

Gerard Higgins, Darren Ridge and Michael O'Shaughnessy arrived in Chicago to visit a local apprenticeship program, jointly managed by Unions and Employer Association. The course is well-respected and provides a network of support for apprentices. 

Higgins, Hester Painting and Decorating and Heinrich Schmid then presented what it is that each company does and shared respective focuses for the next few years. Michael O'Shaughnessy once again relayed some feedback from the day.

"We had some robust discussions around several topics, including project handover modelling, productivity and ways to optimise and the effectiveness of estimating systems. 

The day concluded with a commitment to explore an apprenticeship exchange program, which Higgins has great interest in." 

Chicago Apprenticeship Program

Gerard Higgins and Darren Ridge at the Apprenticeship Program

04.03.2022 - Painting Contractors Association (PCA) Expo 2022 Day 3

The final day of the PCA Expo 2022 featured further workshops with topics involving:

  • Social media panel
  • Mindset is everything
  • Elevating the professionalism of the painting industry
  • Better ways to hire talent
  • Instagram and revenue growth

Our teams identified a number of takeaways from the sessions. Darren Ridge shared his thoughts from the sessions.

"One thing which has been notable is the focus to attract new participants into our industry, in addition to just trying to attract existing talent.

One thing the PCA have done exceptionally well is their use of their portal of training videos - something for Higgins to consider when expanding our library of internal training videos."

After this, Gerard, Darren and Michael were off to Chicago with Cameron and Nick Atlanta bound.

03.03.2022 - Painting Contractors Association (PCA) Expo 2022 Day 2

Day 2 kicked off with a range of suppliers showcasing their solutions to common problems within the industry. Further commentary on the Expo was provided from Michael O'Shaughnessy. 

"We saw some innovative tools in relation to sales and marketing as well as a well-designed estimating system. In addition to this, virtual training booths were setup to assist with basic painting training - a consideration for Higgins in the future. 

The convention floor also allowed for the continuation of the networking which has been a feature of the PCA Expo. Many ideas have been shared and also wonderful relationships built which will allow for future exchanges of best practices."

02.03.2022 - Painting Contractors Association (PCA) Expo 2022 Day 1

The PCA Expo 2022 launched today in Orlando, with over 500 painting contractors from around the world in attendance. After an opening session focusing on the key fundamentals needed for businesses within our industry, a range of breakout sessions were hosted, covering off:

  • How to hire in a talent shortage 
  • Decoding your customer data and creating a better dashboard 
  • Systems that enhance the buyer's journey 
  • Marketing in 2022: attractive and selling

Our teams spread their time across the sessions that linked to our strategic plan and roadmap. Cameron Steindl relayed his feedback of Day 1.

"There were some invaluable ideas generated from the sessions on Day 1, which we'll be looking to implement into the business that will help enhance customer service and improve operational excellence. 

One fascinating note is that the shortage of talent in our industry is not a problem only experienced within Australia - it is a global phenomenon that was discussed at length. A key focus of our group for the next few days is how to overcome the issue of a smaller talent pool and greater competition across a broader base of business."

IMG_3509 (1)PCA Expo 2022

01.03.2022 - VIP visit to Disney World

A handful of members from the CPIA workshop were given a VIP tour around Disney World to observe what goes on behind the scenes to create the magic. The group consisted of members from Bell Group (UK), Heinrich Schmid (Germany) and Higgins and Dulux. Observing Disney's approach to customer service and operational excellence first hand provided some great learnings.

Michael O'Shaughnessy reflected on what he'd taken away from the trip.

"What was clear across the group was how important and crucial a strong induction was to the success of Disney's employees. There was an emphasis on embracing culture and what it meant. Disney was also able to show us how to cascade the message down through the business, so they were simple, clear and consistent and understood by all.

Also, from the way each ride was set up and maintained showed the pride the individuals had in playing their role - it might have not been on the frontline, but it was as important of any part of the process.

This allows applied to the way the park was kept pristine despite so many people eating and drinking and creating lots of mess - any issues was addressed and cleaned , with no fuss or bother. If Disney can, then certainly we in the Painting Industry can strive to meet those same standards."


Behind the scenes of The Star Wars Experience

28.02.2022 - Commercial Painting Industry Association (CPIA) workshop

Several of Higgins Senior Management Group members participated in a multi-national workshop in Orlando, coordinated by the CPIA. Representing Higgins abroad were Managing Director Gerard Higgins, General Manager QLD, NSW, ACT, WA Darren Ridge, General Manager QLD Cameron Steindl, General Manager HR and Safety Michael O'Shaughnessy and General Manager Operations Nick Higgins.

The workshop consisted of over 15 companies and 40 participants from USA/Canada/UK/Germany and Australia. The sessions throughout the workshop were facilitated by Michael O'Shaughnessy and Aaron Moore (CPIA) and involved the discussion of various key industry topics including:

  • People and recruitment 
  • Sales and marketing 
  • Innovation and technology 
  • Estimating and costing 
  • Supplier relationships 
  • Sustainability and future planning

Michael provided some commentary on the proceedings

"It was a dynamic and fascinating day of discussions and sharing of stories and better practices across all the countries - what was noticeable was the commonality of issues and how solutions were transferable across geographical boundaries. The group has committed to further sessions via teams meetings as we 'deep dive' the key topics."


Michael O'Shaughnessy and Aaron Moore (CPIA)