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How heat reflective paint improves energy efficiency in buildings

Nicole Carbone |   February 25, 2021 at 8:00 AM

How heat reflective paint improves energy efficiency in buildings

Improving energy efficiency in your commercial or strata buildings through products such as heat reflective paint is not only great for the environment, it also makes good financial sense. A growing interest in sustainable building practices amongst residents and businesses, as well as rising electricity costs, mean that energy-efficient products and services have become the preferred choice for many consumers. Given this trend, many strata and commercial property managers are greening their property portfolios to benefit from cost savings, happier tenants and an improved reputation.

There are many ways that you can improve the environmental footprint of your building, including decreasing water consumption to recycling programs. In this blog post, we’ll specifically be looking at how heat reflective paint can improve energy efficiency.

What is heat reflective paint and how does it work?

Heat reflective paint - also known as solar reflective paint or cool roof paint - does exactly what it’s name says: it reflects heat in order to keep your building cooler. It works in a similar way to how light-coloured clothing keeps you cooler in summer by absorbing less heat. However, it’s not just the colour that makes it work; heat reflective coatings also use technology such as nano ceramics to reflect infrared light.

Strata and commercial property managers can lower the building’s internal temperatures, reduce cooling costs and create a more comfortable environment for tenants by applying these types of coatings to roof surfaces to create what are known as ‘cool roofs’. The impact is particularly significant in urban areas and buildings with poor insulation, however all buildings can benefit from cool roofs. But exactly how much of a difference does it make?

One study found that using cool roof coatings that reflect sunlight could reduce cooling loads by up to 93 percent - that is, reduce the amount of energy needed to maintain a comfortable temperature. Peak cooling demand in air-conditioned buildings was also reduced by up to 27 percent, while maximum temperatures in non air-conditioned buildings were reduced by up to 3.3°C.

Another study found that heat reflective coatings that reduced exterior wall surface temperatures by up to 10°C resulted in an air-conditioning electricity saving of 5.8 kilowatt-hours per square metre per month (kWh/m2 month).

The best heat reflective paint

With these types of savings available, alongside the benefits of happier tenants, why wouldn’t you choose heat resistant coatings when conducting external painting at your strata or commercial property? So, the next step is then to choose the right product for your project.

One of our preferred products at Higgins is Dulux AcraTex Cool Roof Commercial White, which can reduce the outdoor surface temperature.  However, we work with all major paint suppliers and are happy to consult with you on the best heat reflective paint to meet your needs.


Higgins Coatings is Australia's premier commercial painting contractor with over 70 years of experience in providing cost-effective painting and tailored maintenance solutions to a broad range of industries including hospitals, aged care, schools, and strata. If you need quality painting services delivered on time and within budget, contact us today for a consultation.