
3 ways to avoid a PR disaster with a contractor induction checklist

Nick Higgins |   August 16, 2017 at 4:30 PM

3 ways to avoid a PR disaster with a contractor induction checklist

Every building is going to require maintenance work now and then. In an ideal world, this work would always be done during downtime or holidays, but things don't always go to plan, which means having to factor in the safety of all parties while coordinating the work so that it causes the least amount of disruption.

Property managers have an obligation to provide a safe working environment for staff, residents or tenants, as well as contractors. By not fulfilling these obligations, you not only put people on the premises at risk of being injured, but if an accident should occur, you also open yourself up to the possibility of a lawsuit – not to mention a PR nightmare.

So how do you make sure you’re satisfying your safety requirements? Here are our top 3 tips for avoiding a PR disaster through a comprehensive contractor induction checklist.

1. Have a rigorous onboarding procedure

When onboarding a contractor, there is a lot of ground that needs to be covered to ensure everyone is on the right page from the word go. Let’s start with the basics:

  • What work needs to be carried out, and where?
  • What is the timeline of the project?
  • How the work will be carried out?

Then look at logistics, such as:

  • How many workers and subcontractors will be on the site?
  • Where can the worker's park?
  • Where can workers go to the bathroom and take breaks?
  • Where and how workers should sign in and obtain visitor’s badges to wear while on the premises?

Then there are the ever-important safety and risk management issues (more on this below).

Then you’ve got to ensure all the necessary paperwork has been accounted for. For example, does the contractor have:

  • A copy of your property's health and safety policy?
  • Their own comprehensive workplace health and safety policy?
  • Current public liability insurance that covers the work on hand?
  • Current professional indemnity insurance (if they are contractors that provide advice, such as engineers or architects)?
  • High Vis - Easily identifiable uniforms?

A contractor induction checklist is useful when onboarding your team to guide important discussions. This not only keeps the discussion focused, but also helps to ensure that you don’t forget any crucial details. Take copious notes, and then, following the discussion, immediately type up the agreed-upon arrangements into a comprehensive onboarding document. Have the contractor look over this document and, if they’re satisfied, have both parties sign it to confirm you and the contractor have a complete understanding of what is required.

It may seem tedious, but having a comprehensive written record of what was discussed and what arrangements were made, will protect you and your property from liability should anything go wrong.

2. Create a site-specific safety plan

A site-specific safety plan is a written agreement between you and the contractor that specifies how health and safety will be managed at the site.

The first step is identifying any potential health and safety hazards. This might include:

  • Dust and debris
  • Asbestos and lead
  • Chemical exposure (e.g. to paints, glues, varnishes, floor strippers, etc.)
  • Exhaust fumes
  • Noise
  • Falling equipment and materials
  • Struck-by hazards (vehicles, construction equipment, etc.)
  • Disruption of fire suppression systems, alarms or blocked emergency exits.

The next step in your contractor induction checklist is formulating a comprehensive plan to minimise or eliminate these health and safety hazards.

Things you will need to discuss with your contractor include:

  • What areas will you need to keep clear in order to maintain access to the worksite?
  • What areas are needed to safely store materials?
  • What type of safety barriers will the contractor erect, and where will these barriers be placed?
  • What type of vehicular access is required, and when/where can this be given?
  • What is the best time of day to perform the work? (Can the work be done outside of peak times to help ensure safety and minimal disruption?)
  • What policy does the contractor have for handling and storing hazardous substances?
  • How will the contractor ensure the use of hazardous substances won’t affect people's health and safety?
  • How will excessive noise/dust/fumes be managed?
  • Does the work require any interruption to essential utility services, such as water, sewerage, electricity and phone? If so, how will these interruptions be managed?
  • How will you ensure everyone is safe from the contractor’s vehicles or construction equipment?
  • What should be done in the event of an emergency?
  • Do your workers have necessary checks (e.g. police checks or working with children checks if on a school site)?

This is not an exhaustive contractor induction checklist by any means, but this gives you an idea of what type of things you will need to consider. Your property may also have other risks that are particular to the premises, so be sure to take note of these and mention these to the contractor.

3. Communicate, communicate, communicate!

Your safety plan should also include regular communication with staff, residents, tenants, and of course the contractor.

Inform everyone in advance about any aspects of the site-specific plan that impacts them directly (such as any changes to the emergency response plan, any areas that can’t be used while the work is in progress, or whether they will be required to vacate the areas at any time). Everyone involved should be regularly updated on the progress of the works, and be informed of any changes that arise.

By observing due diligence and having comprehensive written agreements, you can feel confident you’ve covered all your bases and done everything possible to ensure the safety of everyone on the premises.

Start dealing with worksite incidents before they turn into disasters. A comprehensive risk assessment will help you identify, reduce or eliminate risks, protecting your workers from injury. Download our worksite risk assessment template and get started today.

Higgins Coatings is Australia's premier commercial painting contractor with over 70 years of experience in providing cost-effective painting and tailored maintenance solutions to a broad range of industries including hospitals, aged care, schools, and strata. If you need quality painting services delivered on time and within budget, contact us today for a consultation.