
Our Projects

St Catherine's School

St Catherine’s School is an independent Christian day school for girls in Toorak, Victoria.

The school's exterior features timber that had begun to fade and was in need of a protective coating ahead of the hot summer months.

Our team determined that a timber stain coating would help uplift the timber's appearance while reflecting the sun's beaming heat.

The scope of the project focused on the sheening of external timber areas throughout several parts of the school.

While this was straightforward, delivering an external project during the winter time loomed as a challenge -  any rain would cause the project to be delayed.

We prepared a contingency plan to circumvent any inclement weather, however, were fortunate enough to have no rain for the one (1) week project period.

Our operations team of up to six painters at any one time, delivered the repaint utilising boom lifts for access. 

As can be seen below, the external repainting project has rejuvenated the building.

Does your school need a painting quote of the next holiday break to help you save on painting costs and make the school budget a breeze? Get in touch with our team today to help us find a commercial painting solution for your school! 

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