
Our Projects

Puma Energy at Eagle Farm

“I’m happy to continue dealings with Higgins, who did a great job in repainting our tank. Their pricing is competitive and we achieved value for the money spent.” - Joe Vonhof, Project Manager.

As part of an $8M upgrade to Puma Energy’s diesel storage and distribution capabilities, Higgins were proud to win the repainting contract of bulk Diesel Tank T318. The tank, which has a capacity of 12 mega litres, was originally built back in 1986. Its surface was showing signs of deterioration due to the exposed conditions of bayside Brisbane, so was in need of a repaint to ensure it remained in good condition to safely perform its function.

The project also included construction of a new sister tank, T319, as well as major upgrades to result in a modern and safe facility to receive, store and pump diesel to trucks from all over Brisbane.

The works were carried out over the Christmas period, with many trades / contractors on site together carrying out their part of the job in challenging weather conditions. All the teams worked well together and really applied themselves to meet the deadlines for our client.

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