
Our Projects

Christian College Geelong - Middle School

Christian College Geelong's Middle School campus in Highton is home to students from years 5 - 9 and features a series of elderly buildings exceeding 100 years of age. The Highton location was the school's inaugural campus having grown to span across six campuses in recent times.

Our local Geelong team were engaged to provide an internal repaint to help rejuvenate the 'tired' interior of the buildings. Our painting experts applied some fresh coats to several classrooms, hallways and offices. 

Within the classrooms we applied a colour change, which aimed to create a brighter environment for learning. All works were complete during the Christmas Holiday period, on-time and within budget.

At the project's sign-off the client remarked at how thrilled they were with our ability to provide a modern, premium finish working in buildings of that age.  

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