
Our Projects

61 Cameron St

The apartment and restaurant complex at 61 Cameron St Launceston needed rejuvenation as the exterior coating system had faded.

Tas Strata & Property Group engaged our local experts to perform an external repaint in existing colours to restore the street-facing facade.

Our operations team had to complete the project within a strict timeframe as prescribed by the strata company. Having worked with Tas Strata & Property previously, they knew the quality of workmanship they could expect.

We performed minor render repairs before executing the repainting project using Dulux Weathershield.

Our operatives implemented traffic management measures to enable our scissor lift to operate without endangering pedestrians, including exclusion zones and high visibility signage.

This allowed us to maintain the safety of all on-site while allowing uninhibited access to the building throughout the project.

As can be seen below the repaint has successfully uplifted the aesthetic appeal of the building.

Do you have an upcoming painting project for our experts to tackle? Contact your local team today.

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