
Planned preventive maintenance: what are the benefits?

Nick Higgins |   July 15, 2016 at 2:16 PM

Planned preventive maintenance: what are the benefits?

‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ is a well-known adage that doesn’t necessarily ring true when it comes to the painting maintenance and upkeep of your building's facilities.

Even if your buildings look as if they are in excellent condition, planned preventive maintenance is key for ensuring that they stay that way. Other than the aesthetic value of well-kept buildings, there are many other benefits to having a scheduled painting maintenance plan in place for your buildings.

A scheduled maintenance plan keeps you firmly in the driving seat

It’s always better to proactively manage the upkeep of your facilities – instead of allowing maintenance issues to creep up on you slowly but surely. We’ve all likely had at least one bad experience, where we’ve put off a building maintenance job for too long, only to find ourselves with a much bigger building maintenance issue on our hands than was ever necessary. Planned preventive maintenance is great because it prevents you from ignoring important building maintenance work and helps you avoid those reactive building upkeep scenarios that can become a real headache.

Planned preventive maintenance helps facilities managers better prepare for any disruption or change

Having a planned preventive maintenance solution in place means that you can inform residents or tenants about maintenance dates well ahead of time; this means that they can make the necessary arrangements to accommodate the painting maintenance contractors working around them during this period.

Scheduled upkeep also reduces maintenance costs in the long run, as it’s cheaper to maintain a building’s paintwork than it is to do a complete overhaul after an extended period of wear and tear. Regular painting touch-ups to your building facilities also ensure that you stay compliant with health and safety regulations and standards.

Your paintwork is an investment that needs protecting to ensure the ongoing appearance of your building and reduce future expenses. Learn how to keep your paintwork looking fresh for longer with our handy guide to painting maintenance.

Higgins Coatings is Australia's premier commercial painting contractor with over 70 years of experience in providing cost-effective painting and tailored maintenance solutions to a broad range of industries including hospitals, aged care, schools, and strata. If you need quality painting services delivered on time and within budget, contact us today for a consultation.