
Why Use a Property Maintenance Supplier with National Reach?

Higgins Coatings |   March 30, 2016 at 9:47 PM


As a Building Assets Manager for a retirement village chain, you provide oversight and guidance to a number of retirement village managers across the country.

Each village manager has been historically tasked to find their own property maintenance contractors for their village. But the building managers and residents at some of the villages have started complaining about inconsistencies in the quality of work being done. You feel that the answer is to consolidate the property maintenance work for all retirement villages under one national supplier. Enter Higgins Coatings.

Higgins Coatings offers comprehensive building maintenance services for all your properties nationwide

Our local painting, property maintenance and building services extend to multi-site clients across the country. We have branches in most of the major cities in Australia, as well as offices in New Zealand. This ideally positions us to cover all the painting and property maintenance needs for the retirement villages in your multi-site network.

We oversee all of our projects from one central point to ensure maximum efficiency in communication between your building manager, the project foreman, other suppliers and Head Office

All projects are overseen by our National Projects team, situated at Head Office, who manage the sales, project management & administration processes to meet individual customer needs. A single point of contact like this ensures that we develop a comprehensive understanding of your property maintenance needs to improve day-to-day operations.

Our intranet-based project management tool helps us manage all of our projects closely

The Higgins Operational Way (HOW) project management tool is iPad based and fully mobile. It enables a project foreman to report live from any work site and complete online job files and online sign-offs. Results from worksite risk assessments can be captured immediately via the HOW tool.

Our National Works Model ensures national consistency in our work process —  from our first point of contact to job sign-off

Streamlined service is one benefit that comes from using a single, national supplier like Higgins Coatings. Our professional services team will manage your project from start to finish, ensuring that our stringent quality standards are adhered to.


Find out how Higgins Coatings can help you. Request a quote from us today.

Click Here to Request a Quote


Image Credit: Entrepreneur