
How to Promote a Positive School Culture Amongst Your Students

Brendan Childs |   January 23, 2017 at 10:16 AM

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The benefits associated with a positive school culture are numerous: from engaged students to a sterling reputation and the support of patrons. We discuss the ways in which you can facilitate and nurture a culture that’s in the interest of all:

Identify your school’s unique selling point

A school is essentially a business, which is why you need to decide what your USP (Unique Selling Point) is. This ‘X’ factor is the aspect or special quality that differentiates your school from others and is intrinsically tied to your school culture. For example, you may have a formidable athletics team or a debate team that holds the national title or offer creative additions to your curriculum such as dance or performance arts. Pinpoint this element and promote it via all channels of internal and external communication to provide a clear, distinctive school identity.

Actively facilitate a sense of pride

School pride – amongst students, teachers and past learners – plays a vital role in your overall school culture. There’s good reason why academic establishments champion tradition: it unites generations via a shared sense of honour. By praising the scholastic and sporting achievements of past and current students, you instil pride and inspire students to strive for their personal best (as well as that of the collective). Encourage teachers to set aside one-on-one time where students receive individual attention to nurture and aid their growth.

Tap into the power of your community

Schools form a pivotal part of every community, which is why engaging and participating in local events and forums can raise your school’s profile as well as strengthen and contribute to the neighbourhood’s welfare. There are mutual benefits to encouraging students and teachers to actively involve themselves in community outreach: this helps to facilitate an optimal school culture, and paints your school in a good light too.

Amplify your marketing

As mentioned earlier, a school is essentially a business, which means that marketing should form a part of day-to-day operations if you want to boost your reputation and as a result, bolster your school culture. Thanks to the fact that we live in the digital age, marketing your school is easier than ever before. Make use of social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter to share general updates, upcoming events and school achievements. In the same vein, a school Instagram account is an easy (and free) way to generate awareness about your school and represent your school culture in an enjoyable, visual format.

Harness the power of brand ambassadors

Extending an invitation to alumni or local celebrities to speak at your next fundraiser or assembly is a powerful way to build your school’s culture, as well as inspire learners to achieve their best. Local sportsmen, philanthropists, or entrepreneurs all make for great brand ambassadors, raising your school profile as a result.

Adopt a student-centric approach

Engaging the minds of youngsters relies on taking their thoughts, opinions and concerns into account. When children feel that they’re listened to, they thrive. Ask for their input and use it to inform decisions regarding student resources and activities. This could take the form of a collaborative student-led school garden or a mural comprising the handiwork of artistic students. Or you could have a suggestion box to let students have their say when it comes to ideas for school outings, plays, concerts and the like.

Enhance your school culture by prioritising your school property maintenance. Download our guide, ‘Maintaining Your Painted Property’.