
How To Prepare Your Students, Teachers And School Facilities For Your Next Open Day

Nicole Carbone |   March 7, 2017 at 11:15 AM

How To Prepare Your Students, Teachers And School Facilities For Your Next Open Day

A school open day is a chance to woo prospective students and parents alike. If you want to make sure that your next open day results in increased admissions and positive word-of-mouth, it’s important to bear in mind that there’s a lot more to preparing for an open day than some bunting and a table of school prospectuses. From enlisting the help of current teachers and students to readying your facilities, the school marketing ideas below will assist in making sure your open day is a resounding success in increasing enrolments.

Leverage social media and email to garner awareness

An open day can be a powerful way to encourage enrolments, but if attendance is less than optimal, all your efforts may be for naught. Make sure that your open day is well-attended by taking to social media in the run-up to the big day. In addition to your school’s’ social media accounts, extend your reach and post on community Facebook pages and other relevant third-party pages. Lastly, email parents and students who have previously indicated interest in your school to extend an invitation (just be sure to make this communication personalised and relevant, to avoid putting any interested parties off before they’ve even set foot through the doors).

Get students and teachers involved

An open day is, essentially, an opportunity to showcase your school’s culture, values and ethos. This makes your students and teachers a crucial part of an open day. To give visitors a glimpse into the diverse talents and achievements of your students, task each class with putting a showcase of their best work together, along with a display of the things that make their class unique. Alternatively, divide the school up into different ‘areas of expertise’ – these could be a maths club, for example, the dramatic society, an amateur photography club, and the like, to showcase the variety on offer.

Create an immersive experience that brings your school’s culture to life

An open day shouldn’t be merely a tour of your school. Instead, it should be an immersive, engaging experience that gives visitors a sense of what the scholastic experience is like, instead of being passive bystanders. To do this, incorporate activities such as informal Q&A sessions with teachers and students, a lesson ‘demonstration’, or an open art studio or dark room where prospective students can exercise their creativity.

Appeal to the varying interests of prospective students and parents

Alternatively, give visitors the option of taking a tour tailored to their specific interests. For students who’re fascinated by science, for example, enlist the help of an existing scholar who’s a science buff and have them take prospective students on a science tour – complete with a lab coat and goggles – and the chance to partake in various experiments dotted around the school. Those who have a flair for the dramatics can opt for a ‘drama’ themed tour, where they have the opportunity to participate in an improv comedy sketch, contribute to the design of a set or direct a play.

Ensure visitors get real value from attending your open day

Bells and whistles aside, the most successful open days are ones that show off your school facilities and clearly demonstrate the ways in which future learners and parents can benefit. A digital or printed welcome pack, complete with information about your school’s history, background, ethos, fees and recent highlights, is a great way to ensure that prospective students and parents can make an informed decision about their future education. Be creative about this: giving visitors a flash drive on a school-branded keyring is a relatively simple and cost-effective way to keep your school top of mind, and to make sure all interested parties have easy access to the information.

Spruce up your school facilities with the help of a painting and maintenance company

Prepping for an open day requires your attention on myriad details, least of which is the appearance of your school property. Last-minute, half-hearted DIY efforts won’t cut the mustard; instead, make use of a property maintenance contractor who’ll ensure that your school is open day ready – and stays that way throughout the year.

For more information about maintaining your school, download our guide on ‘Maintaining Your Painted Property’.

Maintaining Your Painted Property

Higgins Coatings provides Australia and New Zealand's schools with building maintenance plans, commercial painting, and refurbishment services in select areas. We understand that school facilities need to make a good impression on parents, students, and alumni at all times. Our preventative maintenance plans are designed to keep your school or educational facility looking its best while working within your timing, budget, and safety requirements. Higgins has an ISO tri-certification accreditation in safety, quality and the environment. Contact us today to learn more about our school painting maintenance solutions.