
5 Employee Engagement Ideas That Work

Higgins Coatings |   January 11, 2017 at 4:19 PM

5 Employee Engagement Ideas That Work

As the custodians of your school, your teachers are expected to set an example, inspire young minds and champion the importance of time in the classroom. To do this, they need to be authentically engaged and genuinely enthusiastic about their jobs. Teachers, and their level of motivation, have a fundamental influence on learners. If this impact isn’t positive, it can result in students viewing scholastic activities in a negative light. This attitude then extends to parents who need to know that their child is spending the majority of the day in a place where their education is prioritised.

To ensure teachers are authentically engaged in their work, you need to be actively facilitating motivated employees using the following methods. The State of Employee Engagement in Australia 2015 study highlights the most important drivers of optimal staff engagement. The common thread throughout? The vital role that catalytic leadership plays in this endeavour.

To assist you in leading your teachers towards great heights, take note of the following:

1. Make sure all employees are on the same page

It’s that much easier to excel when everyone is working together towards a shared goal. Your teachers rely on a clear direction and purpose to not only fulfil their roles, but to thrive in them. The report mentioned above advises that you “develop an organisational goal or purpose that extends beyond just economics. Critical to this is the development of a line of sight for each staff member so they know exactly how they personally contribute to achieving this higher order purpose”. When employees feel that their contribution makes a tangible difference to the whole, their level of motivation and willingness to go above and beyond increases as a result.

2. Implement employee-centric structures and processes

Your teachers are essentially the heart of your school. Without them, all other areas would cease to function. For this reason, all processes need to be built around their needs, goals and concerns. They’re the ones who have an in-depth understanding of the challenges students face, as well as the aspects of daily operations that serve the academic well-being of learners best. Also, by taking heed of your employee’s feedback and concerns, you relay the sentiment that their contributions are valued.

3. Create staff appreciation initiatives and support networks

Being tasked with the custodianship of young minds is a mammoth responsibility. Dealing with a classroom full of students – each with their own challenges and unique personalities – can whittle away at the patience of even the most stoic of teachers. Keep motivation levels at an optimum by implementing incentives that reward teachers for their hard work. Also, have readily-available support structures in place. If teachers know that their efforts are backed by the school administration, they’re more likely to be enthusiastic about their jobs.

4. Be unequivocally clear about the standards that teachers are held to

A value or mission statement designed specifically for teachers is an effective means of relaying your expectations of them. It also serves as a guideline that they can refer to. Communicating a set of expected behaviours or best practices ensures that all employees are aware of the standards they’re required to uphold, as well as ensuring that all employees are accountable.

5. Ask for feedback from teachers when selecting external contractors

As mentioned earlier on in this blog post, taking feedback from teachers into account is an effective means of encouraging staff engagement. When hiring contractors, like professional painters, for example, involve employees in the decision-making process. Higgins are professional painting contractors with extensive experience in providing schools with quality solutions.

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Higgins Coatings provides Australia and New Zealand's schools with building maintenance plans, commercial painting, and refurbishment services in select areas. We understand that school facilities need to make a good impression on parents, students, and alumni at all times. Our preventative maintenance plans are designed to keep your school or educational facility looking its best while working within your timing, budget, and safety requirements. Higgins has an ISO tri-certification accreditation in safety, quality and the environment. Contact us today to learn more about our school painting maintenance solutions.